A pattern of conceited, haughty thinking and conduct, a lack of empathy and concern for other people, and an obsessive need for adulation are all characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder. People with NPD are frequently characterized by others as arrogant, cunning, self-centered, condescending, and demanding. The narcissist exhibits this way of thinking and acting in many spheres of their life, including friendships, employment, family, and romantic relationships.
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Narcissistic personality disorder sufferers are incredibly reluctant to alter their conduct, even when it’s becoming problematic for them. They often assign responsibility to other people. Furthermore, they take offense at even the smallest arguments, criticisms, or imagined slights since they consider them to be personal attacks. This makes them very sensitive. In order to avoid the narcissist’s coldness and rages, it is frequently easier for the people in their lives to just comply with their demands.
Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder
You may recognize a narcissist by looking for these six typical signs of narcissism:
- Has a grandiose sense of self-importance.
- Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur.
- Needs constant praise and admiration.
- Sense of entitlement.
- Exploits others without guilt or shame.
- Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others
Different types of narcissist
There are various types of narcissism. When someone with this illness tends toward good attributes that can really be helpful, including confidence and self-sufficiency, it’s known as adaptive narcissism. For example, they could assist someone in having fulfilling relationships without being unduly reliant on a spouse or in setting high goals at work.
Conversely, maladaptive narcissism is typified by destructive characteristics like entitlement and a tendency to take advantage of others. Among the various manifestations of maladaptive narcissism are:
Extravagant or overt narcissism. In addition to being extroverted, overt narcissists are frequently pushy, selfish, and uncooperative. They can be bold and confident because of their inflated sense of self and strong self-esteem. They might, however, also exaggerate how intelligent they actually are.
Hidden or susceptible narcissism. It’s a popular misconception that all narcissists are domineering and intimidating around people. On the other hand, covert narcissists are reclusive. They typically have low self-esteem and are quite sensitive to criticism. Compared to overt narcissists, they are less prone to exaggerate their emotional intelligence, but they can still be defensive and passive-aggressive.
Collective egotism. Those who exhibit communal narcissism typically present an altruistic image and profess a strong concern for justice. They project an image of selflessness and assistance to others. Nonetheless, their actions are driven by a sense of entitlement and a quest for social dominance.
A narcissistic antagonist. Antagonistic narcissists approach social interactions in a strongly competitive manner, in contrast to communal narcissists. They frequently consider in terms of the zero-sum game, assuming that there is always a “winner” and a “loser.” They become unpleasant and aggressive because of this worldview. They could be quick to criticise others and reluctant or sluggish to extend forgiveness.
If you need help for narcissistic personality disorder
Most NPD sufferers are reluctant to acknowledge they have a problem—and even more reluctant to ask for help—because of the disorder’s inherent nature. Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder can be extremely difficult, even when symptoms do appear. That being said, this does not exclude out change or imply that there is no hope.
Medications such as mood stabilisers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics may be administered in extreme situations or if you have NPD along with another disorder. Psychotherapy, however, is typically the main kind of treatment. This can be done through online counselling or in-person treatment.
You may improve your sense of proportion, learn to take ownership of your behaviours and create stronger bonds with others by working with a professional therapist.
For more information, you can visit https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder.htm